The Torment of the Nexus

Damn it, Sarah, it didn’t have to be like this!”

For those of you who don’t know, Heroes of the Storm is a MOBA (massive online battle arena) game published by Blizzard, purveyors of several other games, most notably World of Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo. Heroes of the Storm itself creates some kind of canon-bending-Nexus-thingy that brings together characters from all three of these game series, to fight alongside one another and (more frequently) murder each other brutally.

It’s a game that’s quite willing to admit that it’s messing with the games’ various canons, with the tutorial telling one of the characters (James Raynor, from Starcraft) “don’t think about it too much” as he wonders how exactly he came to be there. The majority of the characters, however, are borrowed from World of Warcraft, with a fair number of the villains being present as well as the heroes.

On the one hand, this can lead to some great interactions between the characters when a game opens (of which each player will hear a different one), especially between characters who actually hate each other in their own individual games. The WoW Night Elf Stormrage-Whisperwind love triangle gets a lot of attention, as does the enmity between Sylvanas and Arthas, and the various Diablo characters and their unmitigated hatred of, well, the character of Diablo.

We get a giant undead scarab-bug-person king (Anub’arak, from WoW) hitting on a Zerg broodmother (Zagara, from SC), Illidan Stormrage full-on professing his former love for Tyrande Whisperwind in front of the three other yobs who make up their team without batting an eye, and a fairy dragon from WoW (Brightwing) saying she’s looking forward to murdering people in a cutesy little girl voice that comes off as excessively creepy.

I will not deny that I giggle evilly in satisfaction every time I hear Illidan tell his brother Malfurion “oh, get over yourself,” something I’ve wanted literally anybody to say to Malfurion for a very long time.

But it’s the characters’ interactions with characters on the opposing team that interest me the most. You might think, given that Tyrande and Malfuron are… sort of married? De facto? Officially a couple at least? That when one of them kills the other as they appear on an enemy team, there might be some kind of emotion displayed. However, the most I’ve heard Tyrande say is a fairly bland “Forgive me, my love,” in her usual deadpan voice, before she moves on to shooting his friends.

Raynor, whose romance with Sarah Kerrigan in SC is basically confirmed not to be a thing, and almost certainly won’t be resolved in the upcoming Legacy of the Void campaign unless the Protoss get really nosy, on the other hand, sounds genuinely distressed when Kerrigan dies at his hand, lacking only the animation ability to kneel beside her body and shake his fists at the sky, since the emotion is clearly there.

But the words “damn it, Sarah, it didn’t have to be like this!” make me wonder. To what is he referring? Their failed romance in the games that contain their own canon? Or the entire business of Heroes of the Storm? It’s a brilliant money-making scheme for Blizzard, encouraging people who play some of their games to investigate the others, but from the point of view of characters who we’re supposed to follow through story arcs and sympathise with, being thrown into a MOBA is a pretty traumatic character development – dying constantly, over and over, and continually being forced back to the Nexus to wait for the next match, where you’ll be pitted against some of your friends and teamed with some of your enemies with complete randomness, chaos and confusion for all eternity.

Maybe Uther tells Raynor not to think too hard about what they’re doing because thinking about their actual situation would be really fucking depressing.

It seems to me, that out of all of the characters from all of the games Blizzard has pulled together, Raynor would be the most likely to try and convince everyone to work together and escape from the Nexus. The WoW Alliance and Horde (neither of which can really be classified as the “good” side) characters are too busy having grudge-matches with each other and their villains to be the voice of leadership, and Raynor has a long history of working together with his occasional enemies the Protoss and the Zerg to make things right in the SC campaigns.

Every time I hear his grief for Kerrigan yet again, it makes me think that he’s not only lamenting that someone he cares about deeply has been killed (even though she will be back shortly), but that he’s rueing the fact that all of the characters that have been brought together were so contentious and fractious that they could have escaped the hell of the constant cycle of unending death that is Heroes of the Storm if only they could have been convinced to work together with him. Fanciful to imagine, perhaps, but when you take a character from a game with an elaborate story campaign like SC and throw them into something utterly story-less, one can’t help but wonder how they would feel and react.

It makes me miss the cutscenes from SC, particularly the second game; I would love to see, perhaps as a counter to the opening cinematic (depicting Raynor and Kerrigan on opposite teams fighting each other), some kind of cutscene of Raynor’s team murdering Kerrigan, and him stopping while the others take their whirlwind of destruction onwards, to close her eyes and make the whole thing seem less grotesque. Raynor’s (albeit scripted) ability to care about one death of Kerrigan’s in what is undoubtedly millions by now is probably one of the most endearing things about this game, emotionally speaking.

It would also please me greatly, if, one day, if Blizzard ever gets around to closing Heroes of the Storm down, they could end the game with one big cutscene of the heroes escaping from the everlasting torment of the Nexus – one last big adventure.

I doubt it will happen, of course, but one can only ever hold out hope.

4 thoughts on “The Torment of the Nexus

  1. Well, of all the character in HotS so far, Raynor is the most human.

    Like, let’s see… human characters… we have Raynor, Uther, Sonya, Arthas (kind of a stretch here), Valla, Nova, and Nazeebo? I think tha’ts all of them.

    Uther is a Paladin, so he’s lawful-stupid and is there for not realistic.

    Sonya, Valla, and Nazeebo are all from the Diablo universe, which means they are hip-deep in demon blood like ninety percent of the day, making them all kind of major sociopaths.

    Arthas is a total sociopath, and isn’t really even still classified as human. Plus he was a Paladin in life (see Uther comment above.)

    And lastly, we have Nova, who is almost more of a sociopath than Sonya, Valla, and Nazeebo combined. She’s perfectly content sniping everyone for shits and giggles.

    I’ve, of course left out Captain Hammer, but that’s because she wasn’t a character in Starcraft, as she is. So she doesn’t count.

    So, we’re left with Jim Raynor. It really doesn’t surprise me that he’s the only character that a) shows humanity and b) gets upset about killing his friends/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You forgot Tychus, who would have been a brilliant addition to your argument XD

      You also forgot Jaina, though.

      I think a lot of the WoW characters can be considered to have vaguely human-ISH emotions. The whole reason the humans are in the Alliance and not the Horde is that the Night Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes have a similar moral system to them. And later the Draenei and the Worgen.

      The Draenei who are ACTUALLY DECENT PEOPLE. Unlike LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE IN AZEROTH. Which I guess makes sense because they’re not from there *shrugs*

      I just want there to be more cutscenes, is I guess what I’m saying XD I want to see more Raynor being the one bastion of humanity.


      1. I forget that Tychus isn’t infected… because that’s the only skin of his I like.

        And I did forget Jaina, but she’s never exactly been the… well, bastion of humanity.

        Have you ever seen SlightlyImpressive’s fandub of the Siege of Orgrimmar cut scene? When all the big names are surrounding Garrosh, her line in the dub is “Kill, kill, kill!” Hilarious stuff.

        But, that’s more a problem with WoW’s writers than with the character.

        At any rate.

        And the Alliance actually started with the humans. The seven human kingdoms formed the Alliance when the Orcs came through the portal and tried to take over the living world that was so much better than their terrible home planet that their Warlocks had mucked up.

        The Night Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Draenei and Worgen were all invited in for various reasons.

        And the Draenei are actually bastards too, if you think that half of their race became the Burning Legion…


      2. That’s what’s good about the Draenei, though. The ones who are good are all freaking amazing, and the ones who are bad are all cartoonishly evil 😀

        Clear boundaries!

        None of this “oh, she’s kind of nuts now, but she used to be really nice and she’s only psychotic because all the arseholes who live here drove her mad and also we think at one point she had a thing for Thrall.”

        But no, I didn’t watch the fandub. I try not to watch stuff with Garrosh in it so that I don’t have to smash things afterwards XD


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